Extension of Victoria Lockdown Restriction & Primelife Physiotherapy

The Victoria government’s COVID-19 restriction has been further extended till 26/10/21, along with restriction on healthcare provision during this time.

Under current rule, we are only permitted to provide care to:

• fracture related injuries,

• injuries that impact on mobility and self care,

• surgery-related cases (awaiting for surgery, or post surgical care / rehabilitation), or

• any conditions or injuries that weigh heavily on one’s mental health (self assessment)


Appointment of such (till 26/10/21) can be booked via call to our reception, 03 8627 8500.

Our online booking function is temporarily disabled to reflect this change. 


If you need to see a physio, but unsure if you are qualified under current restriction, please give us a call. Our reception will be able to help answer your question and arrange the appointment accordingly.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.